Continuity and Resiliency

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Testimony before a Simulated Virtual Hearing on Remote Voting in Congress

By DanielSchuman April 18, 2020 4 min read

A coalition of organizations, including a number of former Members of Congress, held a simulated virtual hearing on April 16, 2020, to illustrate how the House of Representatives or Senate could use technology to hold a remote hearing. The following is my prepared remarks concerning the constitutional and rules questions that might arise concerning such […]

Forecast for April 13, 2020

By DanielSchuman April 13, 2020 12 min read

It has been another tough week just about everywhere. We hope you and yours are staying safe. This newsletter is becoming harder and harder to write, but we hope it is helpful as we work together to keep our democracy. CONTINUITY OF CONGRESS We launched a website that gathers all the major resources and developments on […]

Where Each Member Stands on Remote Voting in Congress

By DanielSchuman April 10, 2020 3 min read

Congress must change its rules to temporarily enable Members to vote remotely to ensure continuity of Congress. Where Does Each Member Stand Two Weeks Later? (Update, 04/10/20 11:48am): Two weeks ago, our team compiled a database to keep track of Members in the House and Senate who support emergency remote voting.  Support for remote voting […]

Forecast for April 6, 2020.

By DanielSchuman April 6, 2020 12 min read

TOP LINE It’s been another never-ending week. We hope that you’re staying healthy and staying at home. This issue focuses on continuity of Congress, protecting whistleblowers, mass surveillance, and coronavirus “oversight.”  (Hey, if you’re regularly reading our little newsletter, why not subscribe if you have not already? It’s free…)

Forecast for March 30, 2020.

By DanielSchuman March 30, 2020 17 min read

TOP LINE In case you need a reminder…it’s Monday again; we hope everyone is feeling well and hanging in there. This week’s First Branch Forecast focuses on continuity of Congress and the emergency Coronavirus bill, which are inextricably linked. We also have some important reads in our Oversight & Transparency + Odds & Ends sections […]

Telework: Status of Congressional Offices

By DanielSchuman March 23, 2020 3 min read

All Members of Congress and Staff in DC and District Offices Should Telecommute During the Coronavirus Emergency Where Congressional Offices Stand One Week Later (Update, 3/23/2020 2:18pm): Early last week, our team created a database with every congressional offices’ telework policy. Despite strong support from both lawmakers and staff to work from home, leadership in both […]

Forecast for March 23, 2020

By DanielSchuman March 23, 2020 16 min read

The Pope banned public masses, closed Holy Week services, and is encouraging “spiritual communion” when it is unsafe to receive it in person; the New York Stock Exchange has rushed a rule into effect to facilitate electronic auctions in light of the temporary closure of the trading floor; and yet the Speaker of the House and Majority Leader […]

Briefing On Continuity of Congress During Coronavirus

By DanielSchuman March 20, 2020 2 min read

Congressional experts discussed the need for emergency, time-limited measures to allow for remote congressional proceedings during the coronavirus emergency. Speakers at the online event included: Norm Ornstein, who was pulled off a flight at Dulles on 9/11. He has worked extensively on continuity of operations.   Marci Harris former staffer and CEO of POPVOX, a community […]

Forecast for March 16, 2020.

By DanielSchuman March 16, 2020 12 min read

TOP LINE Congress is open for business, but for how long? The Capitol Complex and Library of Congress are not allowing visitors through April 1st, although there are some loopholes for business visitors. The House put out telework guidance for offices — but no uniform telework requirement — and went into its district work period; the Senate cancelled its district work […]

Special Thursday Forecast

By DanielSchuman March 12, 2020 4 min read

The coronavirus poses a deadly threat to our democracy, so we have a special issue of the First Branch Forecast focused on what the House and Senate should do right now to maintain the continuity of Congress. Read the letter below containing civil society recommendations that must be implemented before the start of the district work period. We published a […]