~Monday’s committee vote on Pompeo’s nomination sets the stage for Gina Haspel at CIA. She led efforts to destroy gov’t records (videos of torture) to stop disclosure to Congress and the public. The CIA is selectively declassifying records (and tweeting) to rehabilitate her on her involvement w/ torture.

~Will A.G. Sessions be asked about a secret 7-page legal justification for Syria, or all the secret OLC opinions, when he testifies?

~Why is House Armed Services Committee breaking precedent and holding closed, classified roundtables with the Service Chiefs instead of public budget hearings?

~An AUMF bill is coming, but when? Will it strengthen or weaken Congress?

~Notables: Gen. Mattis, A.G. Sessions, FCC Chair Pai, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Dunford, many Leg Branch agency heads, and French Pres. Macron.

~Notable meetings: Changing the Senate nominations process, DOJ + FCC + SEC budgets, 7 NDAA markups, social media platforms (with an empty panel for tech companies), leg branch approps hearings, and a Special Counsel bill markup.


Monday, April 23

  • Senate reconvenes at 3
  • Vote on Pompeo as Secretary of State — S. For’n Relations at 5

Tuesday, April 24

  • House reconvenes, first votes at 6:30
  • America’s Cybersecurity Risk — HSGAC at 10

Wednesday, April 25

  • House Floor: Oui? French Pres. Macron addresses a joint session of Congress at 10:30
  • Copyright bill “Music Modernization Act” (HR 5447) goes to the House floor; closed rule expected from House Rules committee meeting on Tuesday at 5
  • FTC Commissioner nomination of Rebecca Kelly Slaughter — S. Commerce at 9:45
  • DOD Budget (Closed!) — Hse Defense Approps SubC at 1 (witnesses: Sec. Def. Mattis, Joint Chiefs Chair Dunford, more)
  • GAO Budget — Hse Leg Branch Approps SubC at 1 (witness: Comptroller Dodaro)
  • Library of Congress Budget — Hse Leg Branch Approps SubC at 2 (witnesses: Librarian of Congress Hayden & Dep’y Sweeney)
  • Border Security and CBP — Hse Homeland Sec’y at 2 (witness: Commissioner McAleena)
  • DOJ Budget — S. Commerce, Science, Justice Approps SubC at 2:30 (witness: A.G. Sessions) (note: this is not listed on the SubC page)
  • Member Day — Hse Finance Services Approps SubC at 3
  • House of Reps Budget — Hse Leg Branch Approps SubC at 3 (witnesses: CAO Kiko, Clerk Haas, Sergeant at Arms Irving)
  • Changing the Senate Nominations Process (S Res 355) — S. Rulesmarkup at 3:30
  • GAO & CBO Budget — S. Leg Branch Approps SubC at 3:30 (witnesses: Comptroller Dodaro and CBO Dir. Hall) (note: this is not listed on the SubC webpage)

Thursday, April 26

Friday, April 27


Resources: (GovTrackHse CmteSen CmteHse AppropSen AppropHse floorSen floor)

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