We asked what you thought of the First Branch Forecast, and the short answer is ‘not too shabby.’  Roughly 10% of First Branch Forecast readers shared their thoughts, here’s what they had to say: 

Monday delivery (67%) is preferable and the length of the letter (78%) is appropriate. 

Upcoming legislation and events plus oversight news were crowd favorites. Meanwhile, respondents said they could use more recommendations of tools for policy nerds and less of the headlines and political news that big outlets already cover. We were also surprised to hear from teachers and grassroots activists outside the beltway using the First Branch Forecast to brush up on civics.

We appreciate the feedback and have already started to incorporate it with a new weekly segment highlighting industry tools and resources: Making Your Job Easier. 

Read the latest First Branch Forecast here on our website or get next week’s straight to your inbox by subscribing here.