First Branch Forecast for September 18, 2023: The Ladder of Chaos
TOP LINE Happy belated Constitution Day to those who celebrate. This week both chambers are in session Monday through Thursday, with the Senate remaining so Friday. The House has scheduled some sort of continuing resolution vote for Wednesday or later that contains...
First Branch Forecast for September 11, 2023: Hackathon and HH Thursday
TOP LINE Welcome back to the mess that is the appropriations process. We’re also considering this week how the Senate’s rules contribute to much of the action at the top of the news as Congress returns from recess. This week, the Senate is in session Monday through...
First Branch Forecast for September 5, 2023: Back to work
TOP LINE The political and institutional dynamics that have defined the 118th Congress are building to a crescendo as recess comes to an end and the new fiscal year looms. This week we consider: How the far-right faction of the House GOP continues to maneuver...
30 Years of Legislative Branch Appropriations: Data Spanning from 1994-2023 All In One Place
Each year, Congress allocates funding for the Legislative Branch entities through the Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee. The Legislative Branch Appropriations bills direct congressional spending, line item by line item — but the instructions are not...
First Branch Forecast for August 28, 2023: One more week
TOP LINE With only 12 working days after recess to avert a federal government shutdown, the interfactional dynamics of the House remain unchanged. Last week, the House Freedom Caucus once again saber-rattled about a government shutdown and declared their objection to...
Library of Congress Public Forum on its Legislative Information Services
The Library of Congress will hold its annual meeting with the public on its legislative information information services, with a focus on, on Wednesday, September 13, from 1-3 PM ET. The forum will focus on user suggestions for enhanced access to...
Congressional Hackathon 5.0 Set for Sept. 14, 2023
Today Speaker McCarthy and Minority Leader Jeffries announced Congressional Hackathon 5.0, set for September 14, 2023 at the US Capitol. The official announcement is here. Here’s how they describe it: “This event will bring together a bipartisan group of Members of...
First Branch Forecast for August 21, 2023: The ides of August
TOP LINE Yes, friends, we’re headed for a continuing resolution in September. What’s left to be worked out is how long it will be for, at what levels, and the measures that will ride along on the bill. (Disaster relief? A pet project? It will be a fun surprise.) But...
First Branch Forecast for August 14, 2023: House HR help
TOP LINE Welcome to an abbreviated First Branch Forecast. We hope you’re on vacation and we’re looking forward to your creative OOO messages. WHAT WE’RE READING/WATCHING Congress shouldn’t create a new Pentagon slush fund, a commentary by William Hartung arguing that...