Tag: Congressional Ops


Electronic Toolbox for Congress

By DanielSchuman February 16, 2015 5 min read

Here is a rundown of free digital tools any self-respecting congressional staffer, Member of Congress, journalist, or public advocate should consider using. All are free, run on information published by Congress or cobbled together from official sources, and most are built on open source code. (Many of the developers are members of the Congressional Data Coalition.) […]

When It Comes to Pay, All Feds Aren’t Created Equal

By DanielSchuman December 6, 2012 3 min read

It comes as little surprise to hill watchers that House staff are underpaid compared to their Senate equivalents, let alone executive branch and private sector staff, but we decided to dig a bit deeper. Just in time for the holidays (and those non-existent public sector bonuses) here’s a comparison of key positions in the House, […]

Keeping Congress Competent: The Senate’s Brain Drain

By DanielSchuman November 30, 2012 7 min read

One of the foundations of democracy is a legislature that functions well. The ability to assess whether a legislature is functioning properly depends on the public’s ability to see what it is doing. Observing what the U.S. Senate is doing, unfortunately, is a difficult task, and one that is unnecessarily hard. Have special interests become […]

Keeping Congress Competent: Staff Pay, Turnover, And What It Means for Democracy

By DanielSchuman December 21, 2010 9 min read

Incoming Speaker Boehner recently vowed to tighten the House of Representative’s collective belt through a 5 percent budget reduction. Congressional staff are the most likely target. An in-depth look at Congressional staff employment trends raises questions about whether Congress has the support necessary to do its job. After reviewing a quarter century of staff salary and retention […]

House Passes the Best Leg Branch Approps Bill in 8 Years

By DanielSchuman June 10, 2010 6 min read

On Friday, the House of Representatives passed the best legislative branch appropriations bill since Republicans took power in 2010. Unlike many prior appropriations bills, which often undermined the House’s capacity to govern through deep budget cuts, this legislation contained provisions to strengthen the House and set the stage for further improvements. In addition, it was created […]