Tag: Legislation


New Bill Reclaiming the Congressional Power of the Purse

By DanielSchuman May 4, 2020 1 min read

Chair Yarmuth of the House Budget Committee partnered with House and Senate chairs (Chair Lowey of House Appropriations, Chair Maloney of House Oversight and Reform and Senate Appropriations Vice Chair Leahy) to introduce the bicameral (but not bipartisan) Congressional Power of the Purse Act (H.R.6628).  

Presidential Signing Statements: Congressional Actions

By DanielSchuman April 24, 2020 6 min read

(Update, 04/24/20): On April 3, we provided a summary of all the congressional actions related to signing statements. Here is an analysis of the common themes in the legislation:  Requires the Executive to give Congress notice and reasoning for all statements. Bars government entities (including state and federal courts) from using signing statements in interpreting […]

House Passes Modernization Committee Resolution

By DanielSchuman March 11, 2020 2 min read

Yesterday, the House overwhelmingly passed H.Res 756, the bipartisan resolution voted unanimously out of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress (SCOMC). The resolution includes 29 recommendations that aim to make Congress more effective, efficient and transparent. Some of these recommendations include taking critical steps to improve staff retention and diversity, updating House technology […]

CBO Changes Make Finding Bill Scores Easy

By DanielSchuman December 9, 2019 2 min read

Good news for Hill staff and Congressional spending nerds alike: the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has made some significant improvements to how it publishes data.  The agency, which is responsible for advising Congress on the potential economic impact of legislation, announced several transparency-friendly changes on its site last week. Changes include: 

Forecast for November 25, 2019.

By DanielSchuman November 25, 2019 11 min read

TOP LINE With hours to spare lawmakers passed a short-term funding agreement to keep the government running through December 20th, but in doing so unnecessarily violated regular order and rammed through an unrelated authorization provision. Also, word is out the House and Senate reached an agreement on the 302(b)s, but we don’t know what the agreement is. […]

Comprehensive Good Government Bill Re-Introduced by Rep. Quigley

By DanielSchuman November 19, 2019 2 min read

We have good news for fans of government accountability and cleaning up the swamp: Rep. Mike Quigley has re-introduced the Transparency in Government Act (TGA). The bill is essentially a menu of everything needed to bring greater transparency to the federal government. Major provisions of the bill include:

Drafting Legislation Just Got Easier. Introducing BillToText.com

By DanielSchuman October 23, 2019 2 min read

Drafting legislation in Congress can be a daunting process. Typically, staffers provide an outline of the desired bill to the Office of Legislative Counsel (OLC), and an OLC attorney drafts the legislation. This often is an iterative process, with OLC asking questions and congressional staff updating their ideas. This process can create problems for staff […]

Forecast for October 21, 2019

By DanielSchuman October 21, 2019 10 min read

ELIJAH CUMMINGS Elijah Cummings has died. He rightly has been lauded for his many achievements and common decency; we remember him as a champion for open and accountable government and his tireless efforts to build a more perfect union. He will lie in state in the rotunda on Thursday; his funeral is Friday. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. CONGRESS IN BRIEF The House is in for the next 2 […]

Sens. Peters and Portman Intro Transparency Bill for Agency Spending Plans

By DanielSchuman October 1, 2019 2 min read

On Friday, Sens. Gary Peters (D-MI) and Rob Portman (R-OH) introduced legislation to make it much easier to find how federal agencies propose to spend federal funds. The Congressional Budget Justification Transparency Act of 2019 (S. 2560) requires all agencies to publish a plain language explanation of their funding proposal — known as a Congressional […]

The OLC SUNLIGHT Act brings much needed transparency to DOJ legal opinions

By DanielSchuman September 28, 2019 2 min read

The OLC SUNLIGHT Act — which would bring desperately needed transparency and accountability to the often secret opinions of the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel — was introduced today. How often are those opinions secret? No one knows, because there’s no publicly or congressionally-available list of all the opinions. The opinions that have […]

Forecast for July 22, 2019.

By DanielSchuman July 22, 2019 5 min read

The last week before recess is always crazy and this week will be no exception. We apologize for skipping the Forecast over the last two weeks, but we were literally and figuratively underwater. ON THE RADAR Negotiations over appropriations levels and the debt ceiling must result in a long-term agreement, a short term agreement, Congress returning […]

Forecast for March 25, 2019. Only the best and most serious people.

By DanielSchuman March 25, 2019 10 min read

MUELLER LITE? Recess is over, Congress is back, and appropriations season is in full swing, but what is everyone talking about? Sigh. As my kids would say, “BORING!” Let’s talk about Congress instead. The House and Senate are back for three weeks. PROPOSED HOUSE COMMITTEE ALLOTMENTS (i.e., how much the House will spend on each of its […]