Tag: Oversight


Improving Congress and Public Access to OLC Opinions: An Update on Congressional Activity

By DanielSchuman January 22, 2020 5 min read

This blogpost summarizes some recent legislative developments concerning opinions issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel. By way of background, OLC interprets the U.S. Constitution, federal statutes, and federal regulations. For many (but not all) matters within the executive branch, the opinions are considered authoritative. For example, the Department of Justice, as a […]

Is The House Intelligence Committee Out of Balance?

By DanielSchuman July 7, 2016 4 min read

Yesterday’s appointment of representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX) to the House Intelligence Committee may push the Committee’s membership out of balance — it no longer has a member who also serves on the Judiciary Committee, as required by the Rules of the House of Representatives. Because of its coordinating role, House Rules require the Committee to include at least one member who […]

Intelligence Oversight and the Fight Over the Speaker

By DanielSchuman October 16, 2015 4 min read

It isn’t sexy, but you have to commend House Republicans for their focus on congressional process, particularly in the negotiations surrounding the selection of a new Speaker of the House of Representatives. Unlike House Democrats and both parties in the Senate, House Republicans publish their internal rules. And, unlike House Democrats, whose leadership, unfortunately, appears unlikely to consider […]

Obama, Earmarks, and Transparency

By DanielSchuman October 6, 2015 3 min read

Demand Progress and Cause of Action filed a petition urging the government to enforce a Bush-era executive order to make earmarks transparent. While the House and the Senate recently prohibited the insertion of earmarks — directed spending toward a particular project — into legislative documents, members of Congress, often at the behest of special pleaders, use letters, emails, phone calls, and personal visits […]